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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  March 28, 2013 1:40am-4:00am PDT

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♪ >> well you have heard the saying, lightning never strikes twice in the same place. except for this guy. young man in a small colombian town, he's been hit, not once, not twice, not three times -- four times. >> how do you get hit by lightning four times and live? >> in the last six months. >> apparently the guy is a walking lightning rod. the town doctor came up with a unique solution. they said bury him. more from univision's sigrid rojas. >> reporter: this man in colombia has been hit by light
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not once, not twice, but four times -- all in the span of the last six months. the last time was just outside the place he used to work. >> reporter: his name is alexander mendone, and he was in the army the first three times he was hit by lightning. he survived without a scratch, only now he's a little shaky. he is discharged from the army and sent back home to a small town in northern colombia, where it doesn't rain much. everybody thought he was safe now. but he was hit by lightning yet again. so he want to see the town indigenous doctor. this was his recommendation. >> reporter: and so he was buried but only for a few hours because apparently there was a misunderstanding.
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>> reporter: so he was buried again, this time upright with his head sticking out, so the earth absorbs the electricity running through his body. hopefully, that will fix it. for abc world news, this is sigrid rojas from miami. >> that is a strange one. they grounded him. let's get all that energy out into the mother earth. >> listen, there's no way to explain getting hit by lightning four times in six months and living to tell the story. at this point, if scientists can't help you, go to the local doctor and let them do whatever it takes. something's going on in colombia because, apparently, three soldiers were killed and six others injured in another part of the country because they were struck by lightning too. mother nature is on a wrath. >> we shall see if that works. yes, colombia. >> good luck to you anyway. coming up next, the ad campaign that's putting
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victoria's secret right back in hot water. >> why parents say the company is targeting teens. >> while some
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. >> when i first got back from afghanistan i knew i wanted to be involved and television and film. i didn't know how i would get there. when abc news introduced the mentorship program to me. it was surreal. and helped me realize when you are serving your country you don't think of civilians serving you. shows like "world news." opened doors for me. this is my "world news" story.
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♪ victoria's secret is under fire for targeting young girls. >> at issue, the company's new ad campaign called bright young things. as of this morning, more than 4,500 people have signed an online petition that urges the company to pull this campaign. abc's abby boudreau has the story. >> reporter: it's known for sexy lingerie and runway models, but is victoria's secret pushing it too far too fast? many moms say the new ad campaign bright young things is targeting their teen and tween daughters, sparking backlash on victoria's secret facebook page, comments like "this is really disgusting, and i'm thinking twice about buying from you anymore." another woman posted "what
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happened to good 'ole frouit of the looms" >> clearly, that's what seems to be happening. >> reporter: bright young things is part of the pink collection. a spokeswoman for victoria's secret says "pink is a brand for college-aged women." despite rumors, we have no plans to introduce a collection for younger women. bright young things was a slogan used in tconjunction with the college spring break tradition." but these moms don't buy it. >> it sounds like you're marketing to children. marketing sex to children is not okay, in my opinion. >> let our kids be kids. >> reporter: still mom blogger generally erickson has no problem allowing her daughter to shop the pink collection. >> no one wants to be the girl with the ugly underwear. >> reporter: this mom says her daughter owns more victoria's secret underwear than she does. >> it feel like you would look better if you dressed in a sexy
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way, i think it's really a slippery slope. >> reporter: these raging moms says they're not backing down. >> we're moms, but we're not idiots. we know who they're looking at trying to target, and we're not going to put up with it anymore. >> what do you think? >> i don't know, i've said it before. when you're 12 and 13 years old, who's looking at your underwear? except your mom if you're getting a spanking. there's no need to be wearing sexy underwear at this age. >> slippery slope. no one puts a gun to your head and says you have to buy it. if you don't like it, don't buy it. >> and the ceo of victoria's secret, they've made no secret of the fact they're actually targeting the younger audience. he says, "when someone's 15 or 16 years old, what do they want to be? they want to be a little bit older." there you go. >> we are coming right back with "the mix." don't compromise. new vidal sassoon pro series from the original salon genius. starts vibrant, stays vibrant. precision mix formula saturates each strand
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for 100% gray coverage. hydrablock conditioner helps fight fade out for up to 8 weeks. new vidal sassoon lets you say no to compromise and yes to vibrant color like this. new vidal sassoon pro series salon genius. affordable for all. woolite everyday, cleans your jeans and won't torture your tanks. woolite washed clothes look like new, longer.
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work the camera... work it! those hands. oooh la la! what's your secret? dawn? [ female announcer ] dawn hand renewal with olay beauty improves the look and feel of hands in 5 uses. love it, or get double your money back.
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of your home, your vacuum doesn't always pick up what's left behind. only the resolve easy clean system has foam power to stop dirt in its tracks. it penetrates deep within your carpet, removing 3 times more dirt than vacuuming alone. leaving the busiest areas of your carpets, truly fresh and clean. the resolve easy clean system. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. all right, it is time for "the mix." >> yes. >> let's talk about something that's taking the internet by storm, youtube sensation. everybody these days has an
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ipad. guy decided to write a song about the 1980s, a simpler time, when nobody had an ipad. this has become viral. 1.6 million viewers. his name is graham woods, and it's called "we didn't own an ipad." ♪ we didn't own an ipad never heard of texting we never owned an ipad ♪ ♪ never used a site never owned one ♪ ♪ shoulder pads crazy dads being kicked in the in addition ♪ >> i remember that from the 80s. wow. >> billy joel parody, we didn't start the fire, uses his melody there. 1.6 million views. >> i've got to tell you, i cannot remember the time before cell phones. >> good old days, when you got kicked in the nads. i remember when atms came.
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you used to have to go to the bank to get money. it was awful. >> i don't remember that. atms were around. >> even better invention than the internet. >> it gives you money, that's why. here's something new coming out today that proves what i've always said. female ceos are better ceos than males. if you can believe it. >> why? >> i'm sorry. female directors. it's the same idea. here are the reasons why. they perform better. they cut risk for bankruptcy. they consider the interests of all parties. we are better decision makers. we are fair decision makers. and all of this creates financial success for companies. according to a study done by 600 canadian board members, and they all said the same thing. we are all constrained by the parameters of doing things the traditional ways, which is the way men like to do things, and we consider everybody's opinion. >> i truly in my heart sincerely believe women work harder than men. >> women work harder, that's true. >> but i do believe men work
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smarter. we don't have to work as hard. >> that's what this is saying. your theory is wrong. we're just better at controlling and doing everything we have to do in a home. therefore, that translates well into companies. >> let's take a look at this. what 2,000 calories look like, speaking of women. women are supposed to get 2,000 calories a day. it's hard to really know what that is. this is something made by the people at buzz feed. this is what 2,000 calories looks like. >> seven doughnuts. seven bagels. 5.5 doughnuts. >> six doughnuts, and you're over the line for a whole day? >> 26 eggs. who's eating 26 eggs? that's a lot of bacon. everybody says too much bacon is bad for you. >> there you
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this morning on "world news now" -- get out. the evacuation orders to dozens of homeowners after a
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destructive landslide strikes the pacific northwest. >> what people saw, heard and felt before the ground started crumbling and crashing putting their property at risk. it's thursday, march 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good morning, everyone. we'll get to all that uncertainty outside of seattle after that huge landslide in our top story. >> another major headline, today, what's next for the battle for same-sex marriage rights after a new york senior citizen made her case before the supreme court. find out who is praising this 83-year-old and if her case has a chance. also this morning, jaw-dropping pictures from central ohio, where a firefighter's life was on the line along a busy highway. see what happened when a truck plowed into a group of first responders. >> later on, the anger expressed by a tv star, john hamm of "madmen" responds to the
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huge response behind the scenes and claims that are sparking quite the outrage, according to him. hear why he is so upset in "the skinny." first, the unstable, uncertain situation on whidbey island, washington, about 50 miles north of seattle. the fear is a landslide could happen this morning at any moment. >> geologists have no idea what caused the slide. that has plenty of people nervous about what might happen next. abc's neal karlinsky took an up-close look at the damage. >> reporter: it was before 4:00 in the morning when the slide hit with such force homeowners thought it must be a massive earthquake. >> i looked out and noticed that we had no more trees blocking the view and half the yard was gone. >> reporter: one home was swept away. nearly three dozen are now evacuated. remarkably no one was hurt. this is what it looked like before. and now. people below had to be taken out by boat. some with just a handful of their possessions. these houses above are in danger too. you can see where it dropped off. they're evacuating the area
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right now. in fact they're asking us to leave. delia kirk lives above the slide and was told to grab what she can and get out. >> i was petrified. >> reporter: the hillside is still unstable. >> you're missing 250 feet of lawn. if you look down there, that's probably 200 feet down. >> reporter: her deck which overlooks the massive landslide is occasionally shaking. >> i have wonderful friends who came together and helped me out. so i'm blessed. >> reporter: the island community north of seattle is prone to landslides. in fact geologists were examining this very bluff one day earlier. neighbors are just praying the hillside stabilizes before their homes go sliding off as well. neal karlinsky, abc news, whidbey island, washington. now to the debate over immigration reform and border security. four senators who are leading the charge on reform visited the border in southern arizona yesterday. right before their eyes a young woman was spotted sprinting her way out of mexico. but she was quickly caught by
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border patrol. senator john mccain and president obama are trying to convince skeptics that security is improving. >> we will be able to say that we have a degree of border security that would allow people to move forward to a path to citizenship. >> it is never going to be 110% perfect. but what we can do is continue to improve it and at the same time provide a clear pathway for those who are already here. >> the president says he is confident immigration reform will be passed by the end of the summer. banks across cyprus have hired extra security amid fears of mass panic as they reopen this morning for the first time in nearly two weeks. the government agreed to a $13 billion rescue plan to keep the country from financial collapse. but tight controls have been set up on transactions, including daily caps on withdrawals. the restrictions are supposed to be in place for four days. attorneys for south africa olympic star, oscar pistorius are head back to court today. they're expected to challenge
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the conditions of his bail which stops him from traveling abroad. pistorius was released on bail, february 22nd. that was the week after he shot and killed girlfriend reeva steenkamp. he says he mistook her for a burglar. meanwhile, pistorius' brother was in court yesterday facing charges of his own trial. carl pistorius pleaded not guilty in the death of a woman killed five years ago. she died when his uv collided with her motorcycle. the fight for gay marriage -- the majority of supreme court justices appear ready to strike down the defense of marriage act. >> that's after they heard 83-year-old edy windsor's case. she was in a relationship with her lesbian partner for 44 years. tahman bradley is following this high profile case. good morning, tahman. >> reporter: good morning, john. good morning, diana. nine states plus district of columbia allow same sex couples to wed. under federal law they are denied marriage benefits. but now, those couples have had their day in court. 83-year-old edie windsor took her fight for marriage equality
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to the supreme court. >> today is like a spectacular event for me. a lifetime kind of event. >> reporter: windsor and her wife, thea spire were married three years, partners for 40. when spire passed away she was hit with a $360,000 federal estate tax bill. money she would not have had to pay if she had been married to a man. >> in the midst of my grief, i realized the federal government was treating us as strangers. >> reporter: the defense of marriage act, or doma, defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. so gays and lesbians who are legally wed in their states, can't get the same benefits afforded to heterosexuals. a majority of the nine justices seemed highly skeptical of the law. justice anthony kennedy and the four liberals on the court raised questions. >> so you would be really diminishing what the state has said is marriage. you are saying, no, state, there are two kind of marriages. the full marriage, and then this
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sort of skim milk marriage. >> supporters of the law argue it allows the federal government to stay out of state experiments with marriage. the obama administration provides no legal defense for doma and lower courts ruled it unconstitutional. to try to force the administration's hand, house republicans filed suit. the high court says that might not be lawful. >> it's not unusual. it's totally unprecedented. >> reporter: across the country many people including politicians in washington are expressing their support for same-sex marriage. since sunday at least six u.s. senators have announced they've changed their minds about it. john, diana. >> tahman, thank you. britain's prince william could be in for something of a job change. he's a pilot in the british military search and rescue military fleet. a texas based helicopter company just bought a contract to take over the operations. many of the military personnel will be replaced by civilian workers. bristol helicopters says some british personnel will stay on the job. this is a strange scenario,
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diana. listen to this. if william does stay on the job, the british royal there, second in line to the throne, would become an employee of a company baseded in texas. >> that's a little on the strange side. random guy in texas gets to be prince william's -- i don't know about that. >> get over here! that would be kind of strange, right? >> this transition isn't going to happen until, god knows, 2017. we have a little bit of time. and prince william, he's nicely put where he is now. he's all right. here is a look at your weather. rain showers in new england and the northeast. particularly this afternoon. blustery in the mid-atlantic region. a chilly morning for the spring breakers in florida, sorry, guys. rain in the middle of the nation. morning fog for california. >> temperatures will be about average. milder in the midwest. warming up in the southwest. pleasant 85 in phoenix. still around 40s in the great lakes area. all right, there has been something we haven't seen or say since february 1st, the miami heat have lost a basketball game. despite a furious rally down the stretch.
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the heat lost last night to the bulls in chicago. >> 101-97 loss. that means their 27-game winning streak is officially over. they were six games short of the record set by the lakers way back in 1971/1972 season. >> le brong james scored 32 points in the losing effort. after which, he said he felt fortunate and blessed to be part of such a streak. hats off to those guys. that was amazing, amazing run. >> they came back from behind quite a few times. apparently down by double digits several times. they came back, each and every time to win it all. 13 of those wins were on the road. >> on the road. we talked about this. not just the talent to go in there and say every night and say we are a better team than you. you get worn down. traveling on the road. on airplanes. there are nights the team will have an off night. the team is razor sharp. >> a lot of haters out there who said the guys said they were going to win it all the first year and they didn't. give them a little while. >> they got the monkey off their back winning the trophy last year.
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>> that's all they needed to do. >> lebron is the king, like him or not. i like lebron james. i don't know why everybody gets on his case. >> i don't know. he's a good player. i think it's the comparison between him and michael jordan that gets a lot of people upset. >> it's that silly runway thing they did when they announced the pairings. >> that was a little over the top. but i like king james just the same. coming up, who's coming to justin bieber's defense after some unusual behavior. also, sharing the winning office lottery pool. we'll tell you all about it. you're watching "world news now." orld news now." ♪ it's always more fun to share with everyone ♪ always more fun to s >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by e big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and
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i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day.
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♪ all right. a terrifying scene caught on a police dashboard camera as an out of control vehicle slams into a group of emergency responders. >> the crash sent a fire fighter flying through the air. you have to see it to believe it. more from liza danbury in dayton, ohio. >> reporter: take a good look at the dash-cam video, dayton police and firefighters on the scene of an accident on 35 near gettysburg. pay close attention to the firefighter on the left side of your screen. that's captain barry krom, what happens next is shocking.
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>> get to the side! >> reporter: the pickup truck hits a patch of ice and slams into captain krom, knocking him to the ground. it's part of an 11-car pileup. ray terpin was one of the drivers involved. >> tried to slow down. hit a patch of ice, and that was it. it started fish tailing around to the left-hand side, went back to the right, and i hit the guard rail. >> reporter: ray's car now totaled. both ends smashed up. he considers himself lucky especially after watching the dash-cam video of what happened right before he wrecked. captain krom flying 30 feet into the air, knocked around like a rag doll. >> they hit him hard. that's him right there on the ground. >> reporter: ray takes this route to work every morning. the stretch of 35 that gets slick on a regular basis even when street crews lay down salt. >> there is nothing really they can do to prevent it from happening again.
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but you try to heed the warnings of what the weather is and maybe go ahead and slow even more down. >> wow, that was liza danbury. thank you to her. >> amazing video. >> that's incredible. incredibly he wasn't hurt more than just being tossed around. take a look at that again. he really its tossed around like a rag doll. >> exactly right. his family was transported. he will be placed on medical leave. clearly, he is okay. >> that's right. i still -- you look at that kind of stuff and you count your lucky stars. wow. good for him. >> absolutely. >> coming up, help for ryan gosling's fans who are stressed out over his latest career move. >> speaking of career decisions, ashley judd just made one. it's next in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our
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♪ skinny so skinny >> time for "the skinny." let's talk about ashley judd. a lot of people say she should run for office. they think she should have a political career. she did play a first lady in "olympus has fallen." she said she will not run for senate in kentucky. she said thanks for considering that. to all of her fans out there. the actress, human rights activist, fixture on the democratic circuit, according to e online. took to twitter to politely let
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the people down. she will not run for senate in kentucky. she says, after serious and thorough contemplation i realize my responsibilities and energy at this time need to be focused on my family. no political career. at least not this go round. >> people said what kind of basis did she have to run? thought it would just be her star power. that was going to help her garner any kind of votes. some say they heard her speak at an event. she really does have a platform, and she does have a backbone, and she would have had a lot of supporters. >> people said she would be great. >> yeah. moving on to something that has distressed me to a degree that i cannot even express. >> okay. >> ryan gosling is going to take a hiatus on acting. >> are you a fan? >> i am a fan. and i have not stopped crying since he announced this. especially in the shirtless scenes. i have posters of this man all over, all over my bedroom. okay. there was something that was sent out in twitter that said, listen for all the fans like me who are distressed there is no reason to get upset. there is something called the
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gosline that we can call. >> do we need to call? >> i think we need to call because we can hear soothing words from the man of my dreams. >> for you. >> thank you. i need to see what this is -- i need to hear it. what exactly are they going to do for me here? >> it's going to be really hard. we're going to have to work together every day, but i want to do that because i want you. i want all of you forever. you and me, every day. >> i am so stressed out about the fact that i can't have him. >> to record your message, please speak at any time. >> ryan, please come back to us. have you seen the man shirtless? >> no. is he the twilight guy? i'm so out of it. >> what? here's the picture. let's show him the picture again. he's incredibly talented. there's no need for the picture. take a look at him. he's so hot. you know what it is, he's hot, but it's like he doesn't know it. he's like the boy next door hot. that is from "the notebook."
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he's beautiful in every way, and now he's leaving us. i'm so upset at you, ryan, what are we going to do without him? you don't care. >> you are a true fan. >> i am. >> let's talk about "mad man" star john hamm. apparently, he's well-endowed. "mad man" star jon hamm is fed up with people talking about his man hood, his swing and berries. he has a tendency to go commando, and he's addressed this frenzy over his male anatomy in the april issue of "rolling stone." i don't get this quote. "i'm wearing pants, so lay off. it's not like i'm a lead miner. there are harder jobs in the world." fruit of the loom have reached out to jon and offered him free underwear for life. you could get worse pr.
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>> if the "mad man" people will hire me, i will get this man coffee for the rest of my life. >> you're impressed? >> no problem. >> you're over ryan gosling? >> it's hard to do that, but he has quite an argument. >> certainly. >> he has quite an argument. moving on to bieber. once again, justin bieber is in the news. this time his mom is coming to his defense. she's basically saying, look, he's young. if i could take away free will and make this better and fix all of his problems, i would, but i have to step away. he's 19, and he's young. at the same time, bieber is finally coming out in his own defense and saying the same kind of deal. his excuse for all the things that has happened, including a neighbor who says he assaulted him, same deal. he said, i'm young, get over it. i'm rich. he didn't say that. i said that. but he's rich, he's young. >> he hasn't done anything too terrible. anything too terrible. >> hey. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan,
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♪ it's alwayse fun to share ♪ it's always more fun to share with everyone ♪
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that's right. just like mom said, sharing is good. >> uh-huh. employees at a south florida real estate office know that. that's why when they hit the lottery they included a co-worker who had not chipped in for the ticket. here is abc's steve osunsami. >> i want some of this luck. >> reporter: now, this is the office you want to work for. on saturday night, luck struck the realtors at keller williams in plantation, florida. whenever there is a huge jackpot they put together a huge office pool and $20 gets you in. jennifer maladano didn't have the money that day. when the numbers rolled by, one of their tickets matched five white numbers. >> good luck. it's time to play powerball. >> reporter: and won them $1 million. >> i was shrieking, yelling, calling them, text messaging them. >> reporter: the new face in the office, just hired.
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hadn't gotten her first paycheck. >> this is my third week. ha-ha! >> reporter: when she heard the hooting and hollering when she got back to the office she thought it was a joke. >> i 100% thought it was a prank. >> reporter: laurie reader the boss, organized the pool, offered to spot her the cash. she said no. >> i want going to press her, and i said to her, quote, jen, if you don't play, we're going to win. >> reporter: but these are wonderful people. and even though their new transaction coordinator decided not to play they're still counting her in. 12 of them will take home $83,000 after taxes. they decided each will give her a portion of their winnings. though they won't say how much. >> a gracious amount. >> it shouldn't be so shocking. there should be more people doing more good things.
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>> they have all got big pls. >> down pment husband and me >> i'm going to disn >> i am going to be in your next pool. here is my $20. steve osunsami, abc news, plantation, florida. >> so when we win! >> what a story. brings us to the facebook question of the day. >> tt. we want to know if you won the lottery how much of the prize go to and let us >> that is an office fu i think an office full of dudes would be like, sorry, bro, you had your chance. you blew it. that's how guys are. >> i don't know about that one. i said i am greedy when it
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this morning on "world news this morning on "world news now," a battle at the border. >> congress now preparing to act
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on immigration reform. lawmakers witnessing firsthand how difficult security can be. it is thursday, march 28th. good morning. with immigration reform such a hot topic, we're taking a close look at the u.s.-mexico border and how easy it can be for illegals to sneak across. >> that is our top story. also this morning, inside a ghost town. abc gets a rare look inside a japanese nuclear zone. how google is documenting it and allowing residents of this once thriving community to see what's left behind. and then heroic actions all caught on tape. a truck slams into a building and bursts into flames. the dramatic rescue and how officers managed to take these pictures while still saving a life. and later, you may have seen this on your facebook page. 800,000 people have liked it.
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a little autistic girl's reaction to getting a broken burger unbroken. first this, new details on the push for immigration reform. president obama is predicting a new law will be in place by the end of the summer. >> and broader security for the border is a key part of reaching a deal on this reform. a group of senators got a firsthand look at how this works on a tour of arizona's border. here's abc's jim applet. >> reporter: they came to arizona to check on border security, and the four u.s. senators leading the charge on immigration reform got way more than expected. there, just a few steps away, a desperate young woman sprinting her way out of mexico, only to be caught by the border patrol within seconds. senator john mccain quickly tweeted, "just witnessed a woman successfully climb an 18-foot bollard fence a few yards from us in nogales." the border patrol has more agents than ever, nearly 22,000, 651 miles of fence, 125
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airplanes, and 6 drones patrolling the mexican frontier, making a successful illegal crossing more difficult than ever. in fact, apprehensions like the one the senators saw are down 78% from their peak in 2000. president obama on univision. >> it's never going to be 110% perfect, but what we can do is continue to improve it, and at the same time, provide a clear pathway for those who are already here. >> reporter: counter to stereotype, 6 of the nation's 10 safest cities are on or near the border. we went to el paso, texas, lowest crime rate in the nation three years running. people who are debating about whether or not we should start immigration reform say, we have to wait until the border is secure. what do you say to that? >> i would say then we're ready to start right now because the border is secure. >> reporter: back in arizona, senator mccain hopes to convince skeptics from his base that border security is improving.
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>> we will be able to say that we have a degree of border security that would allow people to move forward to a path to citizenship. >> reporter: the senators say they hope to have an agreement on an immigration reform bill by the second week in april. jim avila, abc news, washington. the u.s. is making a show of force after war threats from north korea. as part of a training exercise, the pentagon sent two b-2 stealth bombers from a base in missouri on a round trip to south korea. that's about 12,000 miles, one continuous flight. the pentagon says it demonstrates that the u.s. can conduct long range, precise strikes quickly and at will. two years have passed since a powerful earthquake and tsunami triggered a nuclear disaster that devastated japan. thanks to google's technology, we are now getting an up close look inside one of the towns in that evacuation zone that was left empty and frozen in time. we get more now from abc's akiko
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fujita. >> reporter: there are no signs of life, just abandoned homes, reminders of the disaster. the town has been tucked away for two years, lost behind checkpoints in a 12-mile no go zone, contaminated with radiation. but google is lifting the veil, using its famed street view technology to capture a panoramic view of this ghost town 21,000 called home. >> we wanted to have our technology come in and take a photo for them so that people can come back and take a look at least through the internet. >> reporter: this is what it looked like nationin the days a the disaster. radiation levels here have dropped 48%, but in some hot spots, they're nearly four times the legal limit for nuclear workers in the u.s. the mayor says his residents can't move back, so he's opting for a virtual homecoming. we are refugees in our own country, he tells me. short visits that limit exposure are safe, so we applied for a
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government permit to go in for just two hours. we drove through desolate roads, half collapsed homes, and this, an elementary school where we found the graduation sign still hanging from march 11th. >> it's tough to describe. >> reporter: on the roof, a clear view of the fukushima nuclear plant. 3,000 people still work there preparing to remove fuel rods from reactors. workers complain about the stress and low pay, and the world health organization says a third of them now face increased risk of thyroid cancer and leukemia from radiation exposure. radiation fears have already driven thousands of namee families out of the region. they hope these photos will one day lure them back.
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a akiko fujita, abc news. >> they are looking at these pictures very closely. it's home for them. they just can't go. >> there you see the nuclear reactors. apparently, the cleanup is behind. there's nowhere to put all the irradiated soil because we're talking about an incredible amount of damage that was caused by not only the earthquake but then the tsunami, and now we have an entire country of people who are just kind of on stand by, waiting for somebody to do something for them. >> a lot of these 300,000 people who were displaced still don't have a permanent home. they're trying to figure it all out. >> and like akiko said, not only are they suffering through that but some of them are starting to get sick because of the nuclear reactors. a developing story now from los angeles. police in northridge are looking for two suspects after the apparent abduction of a 10-year-old girl. nicole ryan disappeared from the bedroom of her home.
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the little girl then turned up at a hospital some 12 hours later. the los angeles police say they have no obvious connection right now between the suspects and the little girl there. another little girl shot by an arrow at u.c. berkeley. she's expected to be released from the hospital soon. she had surgery. the 8-year-old was on a field trip at the university science center when she was struck in the leg on tuesday. police believe this arrow was fired from a cross bow. they don't know if the shooter was aiming at the girl. so far they don't have any suspects. and dramatic video here. police rescuing a driver trapped in a burning pickup truck. one officer captured video on his uniform's recording device. the cops broke the window to ventilate the smoke-filled cab. the driver had lost control and slammed into the building. after cutting his seat belt, the police dragged the driver to safety. >> i wouldn't consider myself a hero. it's our job, and i'm sure that any of us anywhere would do the
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same and save a person's life regardless of the situation. >> the driver, a 38-year-old man, was arrested for driving while intoxicated. police booked him after he was released from the hospital. the sunshine state feeling anything but these days as record cold temps put a chill on spring break. daytona beaches getting the cold shoulder. normally they're packed this time of year, but they're virtually empty. tourists staying away, along with all the spending money. and no fun in the sun for these college kids. students from alberta college spent the day shoveling snow from the softball field. the school was forced to postpone two doubleheaders set for yesterday and today until sometime next week. some melting in parts this week, but elsewhere, rain and snow in high elevations in the northwest. rain and fog in california. warming up across the northwest and the rockies. sunny mid-atlantic and warm in florida. >> temperatures will be cool again, but it will eventually
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reach 73 in miami. 60s in the mountain west. 80 degrees in honolulu. not bad there. the united center in chicago has been the scene of some amazing sports moments over the last two nights. last night the bulls broke the miami heat's 27-game nba winning streak. >> and monday night, something much more impressive happened. the legendary mr. t. he was on the ice for a puck shooting promotion during intermission of the blackhawks game. wouldn't you know it? mr. t put the puck in the net through a very small slot. whoa. >> way to go, mr. t. missed the first two attempts, but the third was the charm. mr. t said he didn't practice for the shot. he's an in the moment type of guy. pity the fool. >> by the way, pretty much in character when asked about his attempts, he said, pain, i pity that puck. >> asked about your prediction. >> pity the puck. >> i interviewed mr. t, and he's some guy. he's the nicest guy in the world.
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he was in full regale ya with the gold and the mohawk, and he was awesome, a real gentleman, truly. >> nothing like the character. >> big fan of mr. t. >> i like mr. t a lot. he is a cool cat. >> i pity the fool. >> pity the fool. coming up, the real life crime that sent producers of a real life tv drama into a tail spin. protecting children from danger like never before. can a bulletproof backpack make a difference? a difference? may appear clean. >> announcer: world news now weather brought to you by resolve deep clean powder. add resolve deep clean powder before you vacuum to expel the dirt within your carpets. resolve's deep clean powder is moist. absorbing and lifting three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. leaving you with a carpet that's truly fresh and clean. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean.
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even the inside of your dishwasher sparkles. whoa! kitchen counselor. see, new cascade platinum is unlike finish gel. it not only cleans your dishes, it helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. [ female announcer ] new cascade platinum. ♪ this time baby i'll be burning truth ♪
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♪ this time baby i'll be burning truth ♪ welcome back. in the wake of the sandy hook school shooting, sending kids off to school these days can cause anxiety to parents. >> in addition to pencils and crayons, some parents are now adding bulletproof backpacks to their school shopping lists. can it keep those kids safe? let's find out. >> reporter: it's 6:00 a.m., an ordinary school day for demetric boykin and his 7-year-old daughter julia. ordinary except for this brand new backpack. >> what does it do? >> protects me. >> reporter: because it's bulletproof. that's right. despite the pretty pink color, this backpack offers military grade protection. >> this is heavy. >> reporter: if you think that demetric is a little paranoid, think of where he lives. aurora, colorado, site of the
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theater shooting last july. >> if they come in your room with guns, put this on, and this would stop the bullets. >> reporter: the ceo of elite sterling security, ess, which distributes the three-found backpack little jalia will now carry to school. is this really necessary? >> to get on a plane, they make you put on a vest. if you're taking a cruise, they make you buttput on a life vest make sure you're taken care of. this is one more safety step. >> reporter: the company gets its backpacks from this man. miguel caballero, a master in the science of stopping bullets. today his 260 employees are hard at work making bulletproof gear for the red cross, the paraguayan police, and now the company's newest clients, american children. he says the idea came on a fateful day just three months ago, the day of the shooting at sandy hook elementary in newtown, connecticut. caballero says he started receiving requests from anxious american parents within days of the shooting.
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>> the message that i received from the parents, they say, i am afraid to send my child to the school. >> reporter: caballero's very first shipment of 150 units is on its way to the united states, in a line officially launched here last week. is it crazy to be thinking about your little daughter having to maneuver in a situation where bullets are flying around? i mean, we're talking about this. >> it's horrifying. crazy doesn't even describe it. it's something that i hate that i even have to imagine, but it's something that i realize is reality with today. >> reporter: i'm john schriffen in aurora, colorado. >> what makes me sad is we have to have these conversations with our kids. >> call me crazy or whatever, but nah. standard backpack. i'm sorry. what are we going to do, walk around with lead shoes for lightning protection? >> i understand. how far is too far? like what -- you know, those little kids in sandy hook, we
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don't know what was happening in that classroom, but i remember when i was in elementary school, you don't walk around with your book bag all day long, so you're protected. >> in the closet or on the desk. >> but if it's in the closet, what do you do to protect yourself? so now they're heavier. now we're having these -- we have to have these conversations with our kids and use your backpack to protect you if there's a shooter in your classroom. that's not a conversation for a 4 or 5-year-old. >> it's a debate. i'm on your side in this one. apparently, he ships to 23 countries around the world, these backpacks. people want them. coming up next, we're going to lighten the mood. the star of one of the hottest shows on tv has his car broken into. but this was no ordinary theft. >> the thief got something that a lot of disappointed viewers in "breaking bad" want to know about. you're watch
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♪ ♪ bad to the bone bad to the bone ♪ bad to the phone. when something is lost or stolen, chances are good that it can be replaced. when thieves broke into the car of "breaking bad" star bryan cranston, they got something that could ruin the experience of the show for lots of fans. >> they got the script, one of the series' final episodes, and that's making the cast and crew quite nervous. abc's cecilia vega has more. >> chemistry is the study of matter. >> reporter: on the hit show "breaking bad," he's the science teacher turned meth maker that no one should dare mess with. >> i am not in danger. i am the danger. >> reporter: but emmy winning actor bryan cranston recently suffered a real life break in, and the series finale is now in jeopardy. >> can i get your name, please, sir? >> it's brian, b-r-y-a-n, cranston, c-r-a-n-s-t-o-n.
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>> reporter: in these just released 911 tapes. >> how may i help you? >> i need to report a breaking and entering into my automobile. >> reporter: cranston tells new mexico police that on march 1st he parked his car not far from where the hit amc series is filmed. >> they have me mistaken for somebody else. >> reporter: police say this man, xavier mccaffey, smashed the actor's side window and snatched his bag. inside, an ipad and a script for one of the final episodes of this last season, a show watched by more than 2.6 million people. mccaffey is under arrest, but that script, it's still missing. and if it gets out -- >> the details of that particular script would probably not give away the entire ending of the series. >> it's still a force you can't hope to control. >> reporter: when thieves swiped samuel l. jackson's script for "the avengers," they reportedly shopped it around for a quick payday, but no one was willing to pay the price. now charles baker, who plays skinny pete, has gone public
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with a plea on tmz, telling the thief, "you've already made a choice to steal from a person who is loved by millions of people. don't make it worse by betraying the rest of the cast and crew and fans of the show. you have the choice to be a better person than that." >> say my name, eisenberg. >> reporter: will there be a serious spoiler alert for one of the hottest shows in hollywood? stay tuned. cecilia vega, abc news, new york. >> here's a conspiracy theory for you, staged. final season, fifth season. >> get some buzz. >> there's no telling. >> that is that journalism streak you've got. >> there you go. if you hear his voice, doesn't he sound like he's in character? bryan cranston. >> very nice. kind of sexy there. >> whoa, thank you. we'll be right back. . cranton. >> kind of sexy. >> thank you. we'll be right back. your vacuum doesn't always pick up
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what's left behind. only the resolve easy clean system has foam power to remove three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. ♪
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finally this half hour, the heart-warming story of a restaurant that banded together to make a little girl's day. this was our favorite story of the day. >> a 7-year-old with autism ordered a burger, and when it arrived, she wouldn't eat it because she thought it was broken in half. it was cut, so she thought it was broken. >> reporter: people are coming up to lauren at the midvale chili's to get their picture taken with her. >> i was surprised. i definitely did not expect it at all. >> reporter: lauren was waiting on ana mcclean and arianna. when she got a cheeseburger, she noticed something was wrong. >> tell me about it. what happened? >> it broke. >> reporter: like every other kid's burger, arianna's had been
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cut in half when it came out from the kitchen. >> that's when anna pulled me aside. i know this is silly. she's autistic, and she thinks it's broken because it's cut in half. i just said, absolutely. i'm so sorry i brought you a broken cheeseburger. i'll get you a new one. >> reporter: minutes later, the store's manager looked on as the fixed burger appeared. >> none of us knew what was going on. so when we took the burger back out, there was a couple of us watching like in the background, and she was just so cute, just staring at it for a little bit, and then just big smile and then going down and kissing it. it was really sweet. >> reporter: arianna demonstrated that reaction again. mwah. mwah. mwah. >> reporter: anna and alex said that simple act of kindness turned what could have been a bad situation into the highlight of arianna's day. >> i think that was just a perfect example of how people should interact with everybody, not just special needs kids. >> reporter: and with how fast
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it's spreading online, it looks like a lot of people agree. get this, lauren and anna are actually friends on facebook now. so not only did lauren get a customer for life, she may have gotten a friend too. kim fisher, abc 4 news. >> cute story. >> whatever it takes to make a kid smile. >> absolutely. what a great server. >> what's an extra cheeseburger for chili's? >> put it on the chili's company card. >> give her a burger to take home too. i love good humanity stories. >> i want a cheeseburger now. i'm going to have it in my head for the rest of the day. broken or otherwise. the rest of the day. broken or otherwise. >> we'll have more coming up from abc after this.
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this morning on "world news now" -- fight for rights. the senior citizen in the middle of the supreme court challenge over same-sex marriage.
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the jury of the highest court in the country and who is posing serious questions about this high profile case. it's thursday, march 28. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good thursday morning. we're almost there. >> friday eve, as we like to say. we're almost there. >> we are. and we're happy about that. >> and we're both all busted and tired this morning. >> it's been a tough day. >> it's been a long week. >> whatever. we're here now. >> and we're smiling. we are going to learn more about edith windsor and her personal fight that led to the challenge of the defense of marriage act, and that is our top story. >> another major headline from tucson police, releasing revealing new details into jared loughner's background. he's the man accused of shooting congresswoman gabby giffords and 18 others. find out what his parents had to do because they were so frightened of him. >> then to washington state where a destructive landslide
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has forced out dozens of homeowners. hear about the sudden frightening jolt and the damage that was caused in an instant. plus today's evacuations and precautions. >> later this half-hour, the man struck by lightning four times. four times. >> and we thought we were having a bad day. >> drastic situations call for drastic solutions. his neighbors did just that. what they did to break the streak of bad luck. tell you all about it. >> it's coming up. first, most of the supreme court justices appear to be swayed by arguments against the defense of marriage act. >> it was brought by a woman who is 83 years old. she took her fight all the way to the nation's highest court. abc's terry moran was there. >> reporter: 83 and radiant. edie windsor had her day in court, and what a day it was for her. this woman born in the 1920s has become a kind of folk hero to countless young americans in the 20 teens. >> you guys, i'm talking to you freely. i would have been hiding in a closet ten years ago. >> reporter: her case arises from the love of her life, thea spire, they spent 44 years
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together in new york city. edie worked at ibm, thea was a therapist. they finally married in 2007. after thea died in 2009, edie, who lives on a fixed income, was hit by $365,000 in estate taxes, taxes no straight widow would pay. the federal government refused to recognize their marriage under the defense of marriage act, which defines marriage under federal law as the union of one man, one woman, affecting taxes, social security, military survivor benefits. in court, justice ruth ginsburg said it seemed like a second-class system for gay couples. >> there are two kind of marriages, the full marriage and then this sort of skim milk marriage. >> reporter: that comment struck a chord on social media, becoming a popular twitter hash tag while this red equal sign became an overnight symbol of solidarity with gay couples. since president obama said the 1996 law is unconstitutional, house republican leaders are defending it.
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their lawyer telling the court that all congress was doing was setting one federal standard for marriage. but justice elena kagan challenged that claim, reading from the original documents on the bill and suggesting something darker may have been at work. >> i'm going to quote from the house report here. it says, "congress decided to reflect and honor a collective moral judgment and to express moral disapproval of homosexuality. is that what happened in 1996? >> reporter: for millions of americans, same-sex marriage is about bed rock beliefs. >> we're not motivated by hate. we're not motivated by bigotry. we just believe that when the god of the bible created the institution, he didn't get our advice on it. he defined it. and i really believe that he got it right. >> reporter: so edie windsor had her day in court. she wasn't alone. >> today is like a spectacular event for me. i mean, a lifetime kind of event.
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and i know that the spirit of my late spouse, thea spire is right here, watching and listening and would be very proud and happy of where we've come to. >> reporter: edie windsor had a front row seat in the spectator section of the courtroom. she's a little hard-of-hearing, so the court gave her headphones to follow along. you could see her nodding her head when she thought it was going her way. shaking her head when she was concerned, and looking confused as the rest of us at times. the court is expected to reach its decision at the end of the term, late june, early july. terry moran, abc news, the supreme court. >> after 44 years of being together, this is the way she wanted to honor that union. she fought until the very end. she's been described as feisty, so she was determined to make this happen. if the court seems to be leaning in one direction, it's in the direction of making this happen for her. >> wow, 44 years. >> 44 years. there you go. >> she's a rock star now. >> yes, she is. well deserved.
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>> gay marriage not the only issue keeping the supreme court busy. justices made a decision about a lawsuit against cable tv provider comcast. the dispute over unfair cable tv rates and 2 million customers in the philadelphia area suing comcast calling the company a monopoly. the justices say an appeals court should have thrown out the case because it did not meet legal guidelines. analysts predict this decision could make it harder for others to file class action lawsuits. there could be a quick end to the prosecution of aurora theater shooting suspect james holmes. his lawyers say holmes offered to plead guilty and spend the rest of his life in prison to avoid the death penalty. 12 people were killed in the attack last summer. dozens of others were injured. if the case goes to trial one expected issue is whether holmes was insane at the time of the shooting. we're getting new details about jared loughner, the gunman behind the shooting rampage that killed -- nearly killed former congresswoman gabby giffords. documents compiled during this investigation were released, including police interviews with loughner's parents. craig smith reports from tucson.
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>> reporter: jared loughner's father randy told sheriff's detectives he was so worried about his son that he would disable loughner's car every night. his mother, amy, told detectives he had been acting oddly for about a year. she said, "sometimes he would look like he was having a conversation with someone right there." loughner's odd behavior led pima community college to kick him out. he could not come back without a mental health evaluation. his father says that never happened. that jared loughner just would not talk to him. a detective asked, has jared ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? no. never gone to a doctor? no. even in print, you could hear what seems like a touch of despair when the older loughner tells the detective, "lost, lost, and just didn't want to communicate with me no more." loughner's father took away a shotgun after the pcc expulsion. but did not know about the handgun used in the mass shooting. the day of the shooting, randy loughner was suspicious about a backpack jared had.
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when he demanded to see it, jared loughner ran away. the next time they saw him, six people were dead, and he was under arrest. >> that was craig smith reporting. in response to those documents, giffords say they show that loughner should never have had access to a gun. she used the opportunity to renew her call to what she described as common sense policies like universal background checks. experts say a hillside on whidbey island, washington, north of seattle, is very unstable following a destructive landslide. neighbors say the slide early yesterday sounded like thunder and they thought it was a powerful earthquake. one home was destroyed. families from nearly three dozen others have been forced to evacuate. the cause of the slide is still unknown. >> i don't know if you want to stand here much longer. it's beginning to shake. >> it's still very steep. so it's going to continue to slide until it stabilizes. you get a beautiful view, but there's a risk of slides. >> continuing to slide as you see. nobody was injured when the hillside broke loose.
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ironically, geologists were examining that same bluff on tuesday, less than 24 hours before it gave way. >> banks reopening in cyprus, for the first time in nearly two weeks. the government has tight restrictions in place to keep people from draining their accounts. cash withdrawals limited to just under $400 a day. no checks will be cashed. no money will be transferred outside of cyprus. the temporary restrictions follow a $13 billion bailout deal. springtime gas prices across the u.s. have plunged to their lowest in three years. latest aaa survey shows average price for a gallon of gas is now $3.65. down 5 cents from last week. analysts say the trend may not continue because of refinery maintenance and switch to more expensive summer blend fuels. switching gears here, it was just about 24 hours ago when we showed you the look-alike of "good morning america" anchor lara spencer. now george stephanopoulos' turn. >> his double was introduced yesterday morning on "gma." i want to look at this for a second. here you go. his name is bruce forker, and
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he's a married father of four. from durham, north carolina. works for blue cross. both he and george were high school wrestlers in ohio. maybe not as good as lara's double, right? >> lara's was a little better, but bruce comes pretty close. >> george was a high school wrestler? i didn't know this. >> look at the hair on those two. man, oh, man. luxurious black hair. >> how funny. the whole double thing is a little unnerving to me because you want to be better looking than your double, but then -- it's just like -- you're sort of like looking at your double going, do i look like that? >> plus it's funny. you see yourself in the mirror, but nobody really knows. we all have our own interpretations of what we look like. we don't know how people interpret how we look. to see what everybody else says looks like you can be a little unnerving. i see what you're saying. that guy is a little taller. i don't know about that. >> i can't get over that george was a high school wrestler. be sure to tune into "gma" this morning when we meet someone who looks just like robin roberts.
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it's been fun so far. we'll see what they have up their sleeves this morning. coming up later this half hour, who do you think succeeds more as a top executive, a man or woman? and who says thongs are wrong? not -- anyway, i would say not me, but i don't know what i'm about to say. better stay in character. >> be careful. >> new criticism aimed at the seller of skimpy undergarments marketing sexy stuff to young girls. actually, that is wrong. i'm glad i didn't say anything. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather -- brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. weather -- brought to you by colonial penn life insurance.
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♪ ♪ well you have heard the saying, lightning never strikes twice in the same place. except for this guy. young man in a small colombian town, he's been hit, not once, not twice, not three times -- four times. >> how do you get hit by lightning four times and live? >> in the last six months. >> apparently the guy is a walking lightning rod. the town doctor came up with a unique solution. they said bury him. more from univision's sigrid rojas.
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>> reporter: this man in colombia has been hit by lightning not once, not twice, but four times -- all in the span of the last six months. the last time was just outside the place he used to work. >> reporter: his name is alexander mendone, and he was in the army the first three times he was hit by lightning. he survived without a scratch, only now he's a little shaky. he is discharged from the army and sent back home to a small town in northern colombia, where it doesn't rain much. everybody thought he was safe now. but he was hit by lightning yet again. so he want to see the town indigenous doctor. this was his recommendation. >> reporter: and so he was buried but only for a few hours because apparently there was a misunderstanding.
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>> reporter: so he was buried again, this time upright with his head sticking out, so the earth absorbs the electricity running through his body. hopefully, that will fix it. for abc world news, this is sigrid rojas from miami. >> that is a strange one. they grounded him. let's get all that energy out into the mother earth. >> listen, there's no way to explain getting hit by lightning four times in six months and living to tell the story. at this point, if scientists can't help you, go to the local doctor and let them do whatever it takes. something's going on in colombia because, apparently, three soldiers were killed and six others injured in another part of the country because they were struck by lightning too. mother nature is on a wrath. >> we shall see if that works. yes, colombia. >> good luck to you anyway. coming up next, the ad campaign that's putting victoria's secret right back in hot water. >> why parents say the company is targeting teens.
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you're watching "world news now."
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. >> when i first got back from afghanistan i knew i wanted to be involved and television and film. i didn't know how i would get there. when abc news introduced the mentorship program to me. it was surreal. and helped me realize when you are serving your country you don't think of civilians serving you. shows like "world news." opened doors for me. this is my "world news" story.
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♪ victoria's secret is under fire for targeting young girls. >> at issue, the company's new ad campaign called bright young things. as of this morning, more than 4,500 people have signed an online petition that urges the company to pull this campaign. abc's abby boudreau has the story. >> reporter: it's known for lacey lingerie and sexy runway models, but is victoria's secret pushing it too far too fast? many moms say the new ad campaign bright young things is targeting their teen and tween daughters, sparking backlash on victoria's secret facebook page, comments like "this is really disgusting, and i'm thinking twice about buying from you anymore." another woman posted "what happened to good 'ole fruit of the looms?" >> i don't think any marketers
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would actually come out and admit that's what they're doing, but clearly it seems to be something that's happening. >> reporter: bright young things is part of the pink collection. a spokeswoman for victoria's secret says "pink is a brand for college i've aged women. despite rumors, we have no plans to introduce a collection for younger women. bright young things was a slogan used in conjunction with the college spring break tradition." but these moms don't buy it. >> it sounds like you're marketing to children. marketing sex to children is not okay, in my opinion. >> let our kids be kids. >> reporter: still mom blogger jenny erickson has no problem allowing her tween daughter to shop the pink collection. >> no one wants to be the girl with the ugly underwear. >> reporter: same thing with this mom. in fact, her 14-year-old owns more victoria's secret lingerie than she does. >> to think that you would look better if you dressed in a
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sexier way, i think it's really a slippery slope. >> reporter: these raging moms says they're not backing down. >> we're moms, but we're not idiots. we know who they're looking at trying to target, and we're not going to put up with it anymore. >> what do you think? >> i don't know, i've said it before. when you're 12 and 13 years old, who's looking at your underwear? except your mom if you're getting a spanking. there's no need to be wearing sexy lingerie at that age. >> slippery slope. no one puts a gun to your head and says you have to buy it. if you don't like it, don't buy it. >> that's a good point. and the cfo of victoria's secret, they've made no secret about the fact they're actually targeting the younger audience. he says, "when someone's 15 or 16 years old, what do they want to be? they want to be a little bit older." there you go. >> we are coming right back with "the mix." don't compromise. new vidal sassoon pro series from the original salon genius. starts vibrant, stays vibrant. precision mix formula saturates each strand
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for 100% gray coverage. hydrablock conditioner helps fight fade out for up to 8 weeks. new vidal sassoon lets you say no to compromise and yes to vibrant color like this. new vidal sassoon pro series salon genius. affordable for all. woolite everyday, cleans your jeans and won't torture your tanks. woolite washed clothes look like new, longer.
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work the camera... work it! those hands. oooh la la! what's your secret? dawn? [ female announcer ] dawn hand renewal with olay beauty improves the look and feel of hands in 5 uses. love it, or get double your money back.
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of your home, your vacuum doesn't always pick up what's left behind. only the resolve easy clean system has foam power to stop dirt in its tracks. it penetrates deep within your carpet, removing 3 times more dirt than vacuuming alone. leaving the busiest areas of your carpets, truly fresh and clean. the resolve easy clean system. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. all right, it is time for "the mix." >> yes. >> let's talk about something that's taking the internet by storm, youtube sensation. everybody these days has an
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ipad. guy decided to write a song about the 1980s, a simpler time, when nobody had an ipad. this has become viral. 1.6 million viewers. his name is graham woods, and it's called "we didn't own an ipad." ♪ we didn't own an ipad never heard of texting though we barely mixing ♪ ♪ we never owned an ipad never used a site ♪ ♪ shoulder pads crazy dads being kicked in the nads ♪ >> being picked in the nads. >> i remember that from the '80s. wow. >> billy joel parody, we didn't start the fire, uses his melody there. 1.6 million views. >> i've got to tell you, i cannot remember the time before cell phones. >> good old days, when you got kicked in the nads. >> there you go. >> i remember when atms came. you used to have to go to the bank to get money.
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that was awful. >> you were talking about that. i don't remember that. atms were around when i was a kid. >> even better invention than the internet. >> it gives you money, that's why. here's something new coming out today that proves what i've always said. female ceos are better ceos than males. >> really? >> yes, if you can believe it. and here is why -- i'm sorry. female directors. it's the same idea. here are the reasons why. they perform better. they cut risk for bankruptcy. they consider the interests of all parties. we are better decision makers. we are fair decision makers. and all of this creates financial success for companies. according to a study done by 600 canadian board members, and they all said the same thing. we are all constrained by the parameters of doing things the traditional ways, which is the way men like to do things, and we consider everybody's opinion. >> i'm not sure about that, but i will say there. i truly in my heart sincerely believe women work harder than men. >> women work harder, that's true. >> but i do believe men work smarter. we don't have to work as hard.
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>> that's what this is saying. your theory is wrong. we're just better at controlling and doing everything we have to do in a home. therefore, that translates well into companies. >> let's take a look at this. what 2,000 calories look like, speaking of women. women are supposed to get 2,000 calories a day. it's hard to really know what that is. this is something made by the people at buzz feed. this is what 2,000 calories looks like. >> seven doughnuts. seven bagels. 5.5 doughnuts. >> six doughnuts, and you're over the line for a whole day? >> 26 eggs. who's eating 26 eggs? that's a lot of bacon. everybody says too much bacon is bad for you. >> there you go. cinnabon, wow, only three. >> i'll take a
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this morning on "world news now" -- get out. the evacuation orders to dozens of homeowners after a
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destructive landslide strikes the pacific northwest. >> what people saw, heard and felt before the ground started crumbling and crashing putting their property at risk. it's thursday, march 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now" with john muller and diana perez. good morning, everyone. we'll get to all that uncertainty outside of seattle after that huge landslide in our top story. >> another major headline, today, what's next for the battle for same-sex marriage rights after a new york senior citizen made her case before the supreme court. find out who is praising this 83-year-old and if her case has a chance. also this morning, jaw-dropping pictures from central ohio, where a firefighter's life was on the line along a busy highway. see what happened when a truck plowed into a group of first responders. >> later on, the anger expressed by a tv star, jon hamm of the hit series "mad men" responds to
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the huge response behind the scenes and claims that are sparking quite the outrage, according to him. hear why he is so upset in "the skinny." first, the unstable, uncertain situation on whidbey island, washington, about 50 miles north of seattle. the fear is a landslide could happen this morning at any moment. >> geologists have no idea what caused the slide. that has plenty of people nervous about what might happen next. abc's neal karlinsky took an up-close look at the damage. >> reporter: it was before 4:00 in the morning when the slide hit with such force homeowners thought it must be a massive earthquake. >> i looked out and noticed that we had no more trees blocking the view and half the yard was gone. >> reporter: one home was swept away. nearly three dozen are now evacuated. remarkably no one was hurt. this is what it looked like before. and now. people below had to be taken out by boat. some with just a handful of their possessions. these houses above are in danger too. you can see where it dropped off. they're evacuating the area right now. in fact they're asking us to
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leave. delia kirk lives above the slide and was told to grab what she can and get out. >> i was petrified. >> reporter: the hillside is still unstable. >> you're missing 250 feet of lawn. if you look down there, that's probably 200 feet down. >> reporter: her deck which overlooks the massive landslide is occasionally shaking. >> i have wonderful friends who came together and helped me out. so i'm blessed. >> reporter: the island community north of seattle is prone to landslides. in fact geologists were examining this very bluff one day earlier. neighbors are just praying the hillside stabilizes before their homes go sliding off as well. neal karlinsky, abc news, whidbey island, washington. now to the debate over immigration reform and border security. four senators who are leading the charge on reform visited the border in southern arizona yesterday. right before their eyes a young woman was spotted sprinting her way out of mexico. but she was quickly caught by border patrol.
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senator john mccain and president obama are trying to convince skeptics that security is improving. >> we will be able to say that we have a degree of border security that would allow people to move forward to a path to citizenship. >> it is never going to be 110% perfect. but what we can do is continue to improve it and at the same time provide a clear pathway for those who are already here. >> the president says he is confident immigration reform will be passed by the end of the summer. banks across cyprus have hired extra security amid fears of mass panic as they reopen this morning for the first time in nearly two weeks. the government agreed to a $13 billion rescue plan to keep the country from financial collapse. but tight controls have been set up on transactions, including daily caps on withdrawals. the restrictions are supposed to be in place for four days. attorneys for south africa olympic star, oscar pistorius are head back to court today. they're expected to challenge the conditions of his bail which stops him from traveling abroad.
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pistorius was released on bail, february 22nd. that was the week after he shot and killed girlfriend reeva steenkamp. he says he mistook her for a burglar. meanwhile, pistorius' brother was in court yesterday facing charges of his own trial. carl pistorius pleaded not guilty in the death of a woman killed five years ago. she died when his uv collided with her motorcycle. the fight for gay marriage -- the majority of supreme court justices appear ready to strike down the defense of marriage act. >> that's after they heard 83-year-old edie windsor's case. she was in a relationship with her lesbian partner for 44 years. tahman bradley is following this high profile case. good morning, tahman. >> reporter: good morning, john. good morning, diana. nine states plus district of columbia allow same sex couples to wed. under federal law they are denied marriage benefits. but now, those couples have had their day in court. 83-year-old edie windsor took her fight for marriage equality
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to the supreme court. >> today is like a spectacular event for me. a lifetime kind of event. >> reporter: windsor and her wife, thea spire were married three years, partners for 40. when spire passed away she was hit with a $360,000 federal estate tax bill. money she would not have had to pay if she had been married to a man. >> in the midst of my grief, i realized the federal government was treating us as strangers. >> reporter: the defense of marriage act, or doma, defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman. so gays and lesbians who are legally wed in their states, can't get the same benefits afforded to heterosexuals. a majority of the nine justices seemed highly skeptical of the law. justice anthony kennedy and the four liberals on the court raised questions. >> so you would be really diminishing what the state has said is marriage. you are saying, no, state, there are two kind of marriages. the full marriage, and then this
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sort of skim milk marriage. >> supporters of the law argue it allows the federal government to stay out of state experiments with marriage. the obama administration provides no legal defense for doma and lower courts ruled it unconstitutional. to try to force the administration's hand, house republicans filed suit. the high court says that might not be lawful. >> it's not unusual. it's totally unprecedented. >> reporter: across the country many people including politicians in washington are expressing their support for same-sex marriage. since sunday at least six u.s. senators have announced they've changed their minds about it. john, diana. >> tahman, thank you. britain's prince william could be in for something of a job change. he's a pilot in the british military search and rescue helicopter fleet. a texas based helicopter company just bought a contract to take over the operations. many of the military personnel will be replaced by civilian workers. bristol helicopters says some british personnel will stay on the job. this is a strange scenario, diana. listen to this. if william does stay on the job,
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the british royal there, second in line to the throne, would become an employee of a company that's based in texas. >> that's a little on the strange side. random guy in texas gets to be prince william's -- i don't know about that. >> get over here! that would be kind of strange, right? >> this transition isn't going to happen until, god knows, 2017. we have a little bit of time. and prince william, he's nicely put where he is now. he's all right. here is a look at your weather. rain showers in new england and the northeast. particularly this afternoon. blustery in the mid-atlantic region. a chilly morning for the spring breakers in florida, sorry, guys. rain in the middle of the nation. morning fog for california. >> temperatures will be about average. milder in the midwest. warming up in the southwest. pleasant 85 in phoenix. still around 40s in the great lakes area. all right, there has been something we haven't seen or say since february 1st, the miami heat have lost a basketball game. despite a furious rally down the stretch. the heat lost last night to the
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bulls in chicago. >> 101-97 loss. that means their 27-game winning streak is officially over. they were six games short of the record set by the lakers way back in 1971/1972 season. >> lebron james scored 32 points in the losing effort, after which he said he felt fortunate and blessed to be part of such a streak. hats off to those guys. that was amazing, amazing run. >> they came back from behind quite a few times. apparently down by double digits several times. they came back, each and every time to win it all. 13 of those wins were on the road. >> on the road. we talked about this. not just the talent to go in there every night and say we're a better team than you. you get worn down. you're traveling, like you said, on the road, on airplanes. there are nights the team will have an off night. the team is razor sharp. >> a lot of haters out there who said the guys said they were going to win it all the first year and they didn't. give them a little while. >> they got the monkey off their back winning the trophy last year.
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>> that's all they needed to do. >> lebron is the king, like him or not. i like lebron james. i don't know why everybody gets on his case. >> i don't know. he's a good player. i think it's the comparison between him and michael jordan that gets a lot of people upset. >> it's that silly runway thing they did when they announced the pairings. >> that was a little over the top. but i like king james just the same. coming up, who's coming to justin bieber's defense after some unusual behavior. also, sharing the winning office lottery pool. we'll tell you all about it. you're watching "world news now." ♪ ats always more fun to share with everyone. ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and
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i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day.
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♪ all right. a terrifying scene caught on a police dashboard camera as an out of control vehicle slams into a group of emergency responders. >> the crash sent a fire fighter flying through the air. you have to see it to believe it. more from liza danbury in dayton, ohio. >> reporter: take a good look at the dash-cam video, dayton police and firefighters on the scene of an accident on 35 near gettysburg. pay close attention to the firefighter on the left side of your screen. that's captain barry krom, what
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happens next is shocking. >> get to the side! >> >> reporter: the pickup truck kup truck ch of ice and slams into captain krom, knocking him krom,e ground.rom, knocking him ray part of an 11-car pileup. ray turpin was one of the drivers involved. >> tried to slow down. hit a patch of ice, and that was hat was it started fish tailing around to the left-hand side, went back to the right, and i hit the hit the l. guard rail. >> reporter: ray's car now totaled. both ends smashed up. he considers himse he considers himself lucky especially after watching the dash-cam video of what happened n krom flying 30 fecked. captain krom flying 30 feet into the air, knocked around like a im right there on the >> they hit him hard. that's him right there on the ground. >> reporter: ray takes this route to work every morning. the stretch of 35 that gets a regular basis even is even when street crews lay down salt. hey here is nothing really they can can do to prevent it from happening again. happening again. but you try to heed the warnings
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of what the weather is and maybe go ahead and slow even more at was liza danbury. >> wow, that was liza danbury. thank you to her. >> amazing video. >> amazing videoible. incredibly he wasn't hurt more incredibly he wasnssed around. take a look at that again. he really is tossed around like a rag doll. >> exactly right. his family was tra his family was transported with him. he will be placed on medical s.ave. clearly, he is okay. >> that's right. go i still -- you look at that kind of stuff and you count your lucky stars. wow. ho are stressed out over hisy. >> coming up, help for ryan gosling's fans who are stressed out over his latest career move. >> speaking of career decisions, ashley judd just made one. nnouncer: "world news no." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations
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♪ skinny so skinny >> time for "the skinny." let's talk about ashley judd. a lot of people say she should run for office. they think she should have a political career. she did play a first lady in "olympus has fallen." she said she will not run for senate in kentucky. she said thanks for considering that. to all of her fans out there. the actress, human rights activist, fixture on the democratic circuit, according to e online. took to twitter to politely let the people down. she will not run for senate in kentucky.
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she says, "after serious and thorough contemplation, i realize my responsibilities and energy at this time need to be focused on my family." no political career. at least not this go round. >> people said what kind of basis did she have to run? thought it would just be her star power. that was going to help her garner any kind of votes. some say they heard her speak at an event. she really does have a platform, and she does have a backbone, and she would have had a lot of supporters. >> people said she would be great. >> yeah. moving on to something that has distressed me to a degree that i cannot even express. >> okay. >> ryan gosling is going to take a hiatus on acting. >> are you a fan? >> i am a fan. and i have not stopped crying since he announced this. >> really? >> yes. especially in the shirtless scenes. i have posters of this man all over, all over my bedroom. okay. there was something that was sent out in twitter that said, listen for all the fans like me who are distressed there is no reason to get upset. there is something called the
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gosline that we can call. >> do we need to call? >> i think we need to call because we can hear soothing words from the man of my dreams. >> for you. >> thank you. i need to see what this is -- i need to hear it. what is it that they're going to do for me here. i'm already disappointed. >> it's going to be really hard. we're going to have to work together every day, but i want to do that because i want you. i want all of you forever. you and me, every day. >> i am so stressed out about the fact that i can't have him. >> to record your message, key hash at any time. >> ryan, please come back to us. have you seen the man shirtless? >> no. is he the twilight guy? i'm so out of it. >> what? here's the picture. let's show him the picture again. he's incredibly talented. there's no need for the picture. take a look at him. he's so hot. you know what it is, he's hot, but it's like he doesn't know it. he's like the boy next door hot. that is from "the notebook." he's beautiful in every way, and
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now he's leaving us. i'm so upset at you, ryan, what are we going to do without him? you don't care. >> you are a true fan. >> i am. let's talk about "mad men star jon hamm." apparently, he's well-endowed. "mad man" star jon hamm is fed up with people talking about his manhood, his twig and berries. the 47-year-old has a tendency to go commando, and he's addressed this frenzy over his male anatomy in the april issue of "rolling stone. q. i don't get this quote. "i'm wearing pants, so lay off. it's not like i'm a lead miner. there are harder jobs in the world." fruit of the loom and jockey have both reached out to jon and offered the well-endowed actor free underwear for life. you can't buy this kind of pr. there's a lot worse things you can say about people. accusing somebody of that, not
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so bad. >> if the "mad man" people will hire me, i will get this man coffee for the rest of my life. >> you're impressed? >> no problem. >> you're over ryan gosling? >> it's hard to do that, but he has quite an argument. >> certainly. >> he has quite an argument. moving on to bieber. once again, justin bieber is in the news. this time his mom is coming to his defense. she's basically saying, look, he's young. if i could take away free will and make this better and fix all of his problems, i would, but i have to step away. he's 19, and he's young. at the same time, bieber is finally coming out in his own defense and saying the same kind of deal. his excuse for all the things that has happened, including a neighbor who says he assaulted him, same deal. he said, i'm young, get over it. i'm rich. he didn't say that. i said that. but he's rich, he's young. give him a break. >> he hasn't done anything too terrible. e hasn't done anything too terrible. anything too terrible. >> hey. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan,
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♪ it's always more fun to share with everyone ♪
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that's right. just like mom said, sharing is good. >> uh-huh. employees at a south florida real estate office know that. that's why when they hit the lottery they included a co-worker who had not chipped in for the ticket. here is abc's steve osunsami. >> i want some of this luck. >> reporter: now, this is the office you want to work for. on saturday night, luck struck the realtors at keller williams in plantation, florida. whenever there is a huge jackpot they put together a huge office pool and $20 gets you in. jennifer maladano didn't have the money that day. when the numbers rolled by, one of their ba zillion tickets matched five of the white numbers. >> good luck. it's time to play powerball. >> reporter: and won them $1 million. >> i was shrieking, yelling, calling them, text messaging them. >> reporter: maladano was the new face in the office, just
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hired. hadn't gotten her first paycheck. >> this is my third week. ha-ha! >> reporter: when she heard the hooting and hollering when she got back to the office she thought it was a joke. >> i 100% thought it was a prank. >> reporter: laurie reader the boss, organized the pool, offered to spot her the cash. she still said no. >> i wasn't going to press her, and i said to her, quote, jen, if you don't play, we're going to win. >> reporter: but these are wonderful people. and even though their new transaction coordinator decided not to play they're still counting her in. 12 of them will take home $83,000 after taxes. they decided each will give her a portion of their winnings. though they won't say how much. >> a gracious amount. >> it shouldn't be so shocking. there should be more people doing more good things. >> they have all got big plans.
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>> down payment on a home for my husband and >> donate some to c >> i'm going to dis >> i am going to be in your next here is my $20. steve osunsami, abc news, plantation, florida. >> so when we win! >> what a story. brings us to the facebook question of the day. >> that's right. question of the day. >> that's right. we want to know if you won t go to and let us know. >> that is an office full of i think an office full of dudes would be likerd y ow e. be likerd y >> i don't know about that one. i've always said, i'm very greedy when it comes to lo
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this morning, breaking news, the u.s. response. >> the pentagon deploys stealth bombers over south korea overnight.
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it is the strongest response yet to the recent military threats from the north. border battle. the president opens up about immigration reform as the senate readies a plan that would put millions of illegal immigrants on the path to citizenship. and to the rescue. a truck crashes and bursts to flames, but officers are right there to save the driver. the drama all caught on camera. and the streak, the miami heat's sensational season after team after team tried to end the 52-day rocket ride. now one of them succeeded. good thursday morning. the u.s. has responded to this week's angry rhetoric by north korea with a massive show of firepower. >> the story breaking overnight. the pentagon announcing that it sent bombers from the u.s. to korea and back. >> a pair of stealth bombers made that 12,000-mile round trip flight from whitman air force
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base in missouri to korea where they dropped inert bombs on a missile range. >> that flight was a demonstration to show north korea an example of a precision strike by u.s. b-2 bombers. that was after the north cut off the last remaining military hot lines with the south. on tuesday the north put its military on combat posture ready to attack guam and hawaii. another breaking story we're tracking right now, former south african president nelson mandela is back in the hospital this morning. that's due to a recurring lung infection. >> mandela spent 18 days in the hospital back in december being treated for a similar infection. he was admitted overnight. the president of south africa asking for prayers but sounding confident that the 94-year-old mandela will make a quick recovery. here at home, president obama is sounding upbeat about the prospects for a sweeping overhaul on immigration reform. mr. obama predicts that a bill could be on his desk by the end of the summer. abc's devin dwyer now joining us this morning from washington.


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